Friday, January 12, 2007

Organic/Natural Living on a budget

Many people want to live an organic all natural lifestyle but feel that they can't afford it. There are many ways to save money while living a healthy organic lifestyle. Part 1 will deal with cleaning.

Cleaners: Vinegar, water, baking soda and Tea Tree Oil are all you need for all natural effective cleaners. For an all purpose cleaner, I use equal parts vinegar and water and add a few drops of Tea Tree Oil. I use this mixture for all general cleaning.

For the bathrooms, I sprinkle baking soda over surfaces and scrub with full strength vinegar with a few drops of TTO. Everything comes out sparkling.

For countertops after cooking with meat or for disinfecting a bigger mess, I use 90% vinegar to 10% water and a few drops of TTO.

For dusting, I use a microfiber cloth. I also use either olive oil or mineral oil mixed with a few drops of lemon oil to polish wood furniture.

To freshen the carpets, I sprinkle with baking soda and let sit for a half an hour before vacuuming.

Air Freshners: Who doesn't want their house to smell good? The first step to making your house smell fresh is to remove anything that is causing odor. Empty garbage cans and diaper pails frequently. Add baking soda or borax to the bottom of both to help remove odors. Shake out area rugs. Open windows for 15 minutes a day to air the house out.

Many people love candles to scent up a room. Your best bet for candles are candles made from 100% soy and have lead-free wicks. Even better are candles that use EO. MD Herbal Solutions sells Organic 100% soy candles that have lead-free wicks. The candles are highly fragrant and use EO that are also soy based. The best part about soy is that they are petroleum free, black soot free (as long as you keep the wick trimmed) and they burn evenly and burn twice as long as conventional candles.